Sonia Macaro

Sonia Macaro
Sonia has approximately 25 years experience in the field of Holistic Counselling, Wellness and Guided Meditation Processes. Supporting people through their physical, emotional and mental health challenges is at the centre of her treatments. Sonia works non-invasively with gentleness and support and her treatments bring an understanding that results in transformation/release and healing.
Interpersonal studies in Reiki, Meditation, Spiritual Understanding, NLP and Psychosomatic Holistic Counselling are combined to bring a range of treatments including guided meditation, hypnotherapy for weight loss and smoking, talk therapy, and energy work.
(Sonia) I always say life has no guarantees except change… its always going to happen no matter what we do or don’t do. We can be consciously involved in adaptation to be in line with our goals and wishes. Or we can let life control our changes in line with our fears and resistances.
Contact me on 0412 111 358
See also Natural Therapy Pages Practitioner Sonia Macaro Keep Shining Healing.
Guided Meditation
NLP, Neurological Re-patterning
Empowerment Coach
Emotional Release Therapy
Light Worker (Pleiadian, Egyptian Healing Techniques)
Reiki Master
Psychosomatic Holistic Counselling
Interpersonal & Transpersonal Guidance
Oracle card reading
Mental Health First Aid